2 Makanan yang Perlu Dihindari untuk Menurunkan Hb Tinggi | Garuda News 24 - Opsiin

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2 Makanan yang Perlu Dihindari untuk Menurunkan Hb Tinggi | Garuda News 24

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2 Makanan yang Perlu Dihindari untuk Menurunkan Hb Tinggi | Garuda News 24

KOMPAS.com – Asupan makanan kita dapat berperan untuk membantu menurunkan hemoglobin yang terlalu tinggi.

Hemoglobin (Hb) yang terlalu tinggi dapat menimbulkan risiko kesehatan, sehingga perlu diturunkan untuk mengembalikkannya ke kadar normal.

Baca juga: Kenali Apa Itu Hemoglobin, Fungsi, dan Penyakit Terkait

Mengutip Medicine Net, kisaran kadar hemoglobin normal bergantung pada usia dan jenis kelamin, seperti berikut:

  • Bayi baru lahir: 17-22 g/dL
  • Bayi 1 minggu: 15-20 g/dL
  • Bayi 1 bulan: 11-15 g/dL
  • Anak-anak di atas 1 bulan: 11-13 g/dL
  • Laki-laki dewasa: 14-18 g/dL
  • Wanita dewasa: 12-16 g/dL
  • Pria paruh baya: 12,4-14,9 g/dL
  • Wanita paruh baya: 11,7-13,8 g/dL

Risiko kesehatan yang bisa ditimbulkan dari Hb tinggi dan makanan yang direkomendasikan untuk menurunkan kadarnya, akan dibahas selanjutnya dalam artikel ini.

Baca juga: 8 Ciri-ciri Hb Tinggi yang Perlu Diketahui

Untuk diketahui bahwa hemoglobin adalah protein kaya zat besi dalam sel darah merah, seperti yang dikutip dari Health Central.

Fungsi hemoglobin dalam sel darah ini adalah untuk memberi warna merah.

Hemoglobin juga bertugas untuk membawa oksigen dari paru-paru ke seluruh tubuh.

Kemudian, molekul ini akan mengangkut karbon monoksida dari seluruh tubuh menuju paru-paru untuk dikeluarkan melalui saluran pernapasan.

Ketika hemoglobin sedikit di atas normal, dalam beberapa kasus, dapat membantu tubuh mendapatkan oksigen lebih baik.

Namun jika peningkatan kadar hemoglobin besar (lebih dari 1-2 g/dL), produksi sel darah merah akan semakin banyak.

Baca juga: 9 Penyebab Hb Tinggi, Bisa Gaya Hidup dan Masalah Kesehatan

7 Kondisi Medis Mirip Stroke yang Pantang Disepelekan

TEMPO.COJakarta – The United Nations Secretary-General António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres commends ASEAN‘s contribution on several issues, ranging from regional concerns to global challenges. António Guterres extends his appreciation in his opening remarks at the 13th ASEAN-United Nations Summit on Thursday, September 7, 2023.

“I deeply appreciate Indonesia and ASEAN’s determined advocacy on the climate crisis, sustainable development, and non-proliferation and disarmament,” the Secretary-General says in the press release received by Tempo today.

According to António Guterres, the world is currently stretched to the breaking point by a cascade of crises, including the worsening climate emergency, escalating wars and conflicts, growing poverty, widening inequalities, and rising geopolitical tensions. António Guterres believes the key to forging a better future is the implementation of Indonesia’s national motto, ‘Unity in Diversity’.

Concerning peace in the region, the UN Secretary-General says that he appreciates the bloc’s constructive role in defusing tensions from the South China Sea to the Korean Peninsula by prioritizing dialogue and promoting respect for international law.

In addition, he expresses continued concern about the situation in Myanmar, commending Indonesia’s approach during its chairmanship in ASEAN. “I welcome ASEAN’s principled approach through the Five-Point Consensus,” he remarks. “I also appreciate the determined efforts of Indonesia as the Chair of ASEAN to engage all sides of the conflict in political dialogue.”

António Guterres also highlights global climate issues, calling for greater cooperation on the climate front. According to him, time is running out, and nation leaders must take immediate action to find climate solutions.

“I have called for a Climate Solidarity Pact, in which all big emitters make extra efforts to cut emissions and wealthier countries mobilize financial and technical resources to support emerging economies,” he says. 

The Secretary-General also calls for a reformation of the global financial architecture, effective debt workout mechanism, increased liquidity, and implementation of SDG Stimulus to multiply the global resources on combating climate challenges.

He commends ASEAN members, namely Indonesia and Vietnam that pioneer Just Energy Transition Partnerships, calling it a crucial tool to unlock emission cuts, boost renewables, and grow the green economy.

“ASEAN can set an example to the world, as a global green economic powerhouse and trailblazer of an energy transition that is sustainable, just, inclusive, and equitable,” he concludes.


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